Throwback Art: Blue Crab Watercolor

Throwback Thursday!? Now, a lot of marine artists have a blue crab... and this one is mine! I painted Crabby in watercolor, finished with itty bitty detail brushes back in 2013. While I've been drawing/painting since childhood, this was one of the first paintings in my official collection when I resolved to start taking this whole "Amber Marine, artist" thing seriously. I illustrated this with only one of my own photos as a model. I draw freehand and prefer to create my paintings without a lot of referencing, so as per my usual modus operandi, there is artistic license and anatomical incorrectness that makes my Crabby unique. (I also feel like Crabby somehow has a facial expression and that makes me very happy! Do you see it?) We have been through an adventure, good ol' Blue Crabby and I, this is going to be the first piece that I run out of artist proof prints of! 💙🦀
Blue Crab Watercolor by Amber Marine, © 2013, All Rights Reserved. This art is not to be reproduced, copied, altered, or used without the artist's express permission. Unauthorized use is a violation of copyright law, and the artist's legal intellectual property.