Green Sea Turtle October!

Endangered Species Spotlight The Green Sea Turtle!
To round up the end of an exciting baby sea turtle hatching season here in Florida, I've picked the Green Sea Turtle as October 2015's endangered species feature!
The charismatic green sea turtle inhabits tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. They are herbivores, they love to feed on sea grass. Every year the female turtles crawl onto the beaches at night and bury their eggs in the sand, and about two months later the hatchlings make their iconic mad dash for the ocean.
Green (and all other) sea turtles face danger from entanglement in derelict fishing gear. Their populations also suffer from loss of habitat, as their sandy beach nesting zones continue to become crowded by humans. It is very important not to disturb sea turtle nests or hatchlings! Sea turtles need dark, peaceful beaches to nest on, and as our coastlines become more and more developed their nesting zones are becoming inhospitable. Those living on the coasts in turtle nesting areas are urged to keep their property dark during nesting season. (More info about turtle friendly lighting below.)
• To learn more about our turtle friends and the people who are helping them, or to make a donation, check out: The Sea Turtle Conservancy
• Info on Beachfront Lighting and Sea Turtles
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